Monday 16 September 2013

First dress of a new start

Hello, yes.. today is Monday, which means. New drawing time. My first drawing coming back is a dress. Why you might ask, its simple really - its my favourite thing to draw. I also feel like you guys enjoy the dresses more than my other drawings. If you say other wise, don't you worry - I'll still post that stuff

Why I like this dress so much, I wouldn't have a clue, but I find that it has a cute vibe to it, with a little twist. Anyways, I hope you love it c:

Lots of love, Matt <3

Update -
Since I want this blog to succeed a little more, I will be updating the site with new features. For example : New title, New contact methods etc. I'm also going to be more open with myself, I was a little scared of being open with you guys, but I feel like I need you guys to know me c:

I will do a separate post about myself later this week

Later my little dumplings xoxo

Saturday 14 September 2013

Ah, yes, the old blog, brings back memories, doesn't it ? I feel like I need to get this running again, it gave me a reason to draw, now its just all gone into poops. I promise you lovely folk, I won't leave this lovely blog again, because you people had given your time to look at my blog, leave such nice comments about my drawings and my fellow writers
I hope I'm able to get this blog up and running again.. I'll try and post new drawings every Monday, maybe more every week. Starting this week ^- ~

Until then, goodbye my dumplings <3
Lets make this blog one of the best

Lots of love, Matt