Monday 16 September 2013

First dress of a new start

Hello, yes.. today is Monday, which means. New drawing time. My first drawing coming back is a dress. Why you might ask, its simple really - its my favourite thing to draw. I also feel like you guys enjoy the dresses more than my other drawings. If you say other wise, don't you worry - I'll still post that stuff

Why I like this dress so much, I wouldn't have a clue, but I find that it has a cute vibe to it, with a little twist. Anyways, I hope you love it c:

Lots of love, Matt <3

Update -
Since I want this blog to succeed a little more, I will be updating the site with new features. For example : New title, New contact methods etc. I'm also going to be more open with myself, I was a little scared of being open with you guys, but I feel like I need you guys to know me c:

I will do a separate post about myself later this week

Later my little dumplings xoxo

Saturday 14 September 2013

Ah, yes, the old blog, brings back memories, doesn't it ? I feel like I need to get this running again, it gave me a reason to draw, now its just all gone into poops. I promise you lovely folk, I won't leave this lovely blog again, because you people had given your time to look at my blog, leave such nice comments about my drawings and my fellow writers
I hope I'm able to get this blog up and running again.. I'll try and post new drawings every Monday, maybe more every week. Starting this week ^- ~

Until then, goodbye my dumplings <3
Lets make this blog one of the best

Lots of love, Matt

Saturday 27 April 2013

Hey guys, I've kinda been getting into anime kind of drawing. I find it really easy and fun, so yeah. Here's a couple I've done recently. (:

Hope you like them!! 

~Amy xx

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Ok, since I haven't posted in like forever, I'm posting another thing today. Here are a few of my newest drawings. Also, I have some exciting news at the end.

Sorry they're all the wrong way, idk how to change them. :/ 
The first one I kinda saw a photo I liked, so that inspired me to draw the hair and the rest I just made up. 
The second one describes how I feel right now, and have felt for a long time now.. Society isn't the only thing messing up people and causing insecurity, our own minds often cause this pain. 
and lately I've been watching the teenage cartoon called "Daria" and I kinda watched all 5 seasons this holiday, so that inspired me to draw what I would look like if I were in Daria. 

Ok, hope you like them.

and as for my exciting news: Every year our school releases a school magazine and the year 12's always have a cartoon section where someone draws every year twelver. Me and this other guy are doing them this year, and I'm doing my style as the cartoon icons that I've posted in the past. I'm so excited!! (: When it's printed at the end of the year, I'll take a pic and show you all. <3

~Amy xx

Monday 8 April 2013

Sorry it's been a while..

I've been REALLY busy with year 12, it's been so hectic. Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I've been working heaps on my body shape with my designs, so I'll show you them and my latest simple drawing (maybe tomorrow) since it's been so long.

Here are some of my clothing designs:

Hope you like them.
~Amy xx

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Cute Panda

Hello fellow bakers drawers

Hi guys, new drawing for today, to celebrate the arrival of panda's in Adelaide zoo, I have draw a panda, I know I was a bit late but I mean, this blog wasn't even running when the panda's were introduced 

I love this panda, it is absolutely cute!, I love his little hat and his little straw of bamboo. Anyways, I hope you guys love it as much as I do <3

Lots of love, Matt <3

Saturday 9 March 2013

First real life drawing

Hello fellow bakers drawers

Matt here, with a new drawing :D 
It's not one that I particular draw a lot, nor I'm I very good at it, but, I drew two real life faces. It actually a project for school that I did last year, but considering I don't usually draw these, I think I did quite well

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy these two drawings and have a lovely long weekend if your from Australia 

Lots of love, Matt xoxo <3